Aralyn Podcast: StoryCorps Interview - Ep 01
March 27, 2020
I stepped into this sound booth with my friend Corky who came up with this idea of interviewing me and putting my words in the Library of Congress. Forty minutes later it was done. Take a listen and save yourself a trip to Washington D.C. I answered truthfully, what I do. I had tears, I laughed, and I learned more about myself. The loves of my life, abortion, career, Disneyland, Haight Ashbury and more. Their mission of this program StoryCorps is to preserve and share humanity's stories in order to facilitate connections between people and create a more compassionate world. They started doing podcasts in 2003 before people knew what a podcast was! More stories than mine at Please like, comment, and subscribe! (And when you subscribe, click the little gray bell, so you'll get a notice of new videos.). #aralynhughestv #aralyntv #aralynhughes #storycorps #podcast #realtalk #keepingitreal #lifestory #librayofcongress #loveofmylife #abortion #mybrilliantcareer #Disneyland #haightashbury #summeroflove #humanconnections