NEW WEBSERIES: Playing the Age Card - Episode 03 - Mall Walking
August 30, 2019
Nicole and Aralyn find out the truth to the question — are we ugly? Martina makes us look like prom queens. Tips from the girls: 1. Exercise 5 mins. That’s enough. 2. Eat your greens. Fizzy greens. (Nicole nixes too much broccoli.) 3. Always read the directions. 4. Hydrate. 4. Learn how tomato makes your eyelashes grow. We’re amazed Nordstrums didn’t throw us out. Please like, comment, and subscribe! (And when you subscribe, click the little gray bell, so you'll get a notice of new videos.) # AralynHughes #AralynTV #Comedy #Webseries #Aging #Seniors #Makeup #Makeover #Nordstrums #beautyproducts #beauty #perfume #shopping #creditcardspending